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No to the Erotic center as an unviable solution

Mass action in favour of liveable city, against erotic centre
Amsterdam monster alliance in posters against council plans
Amsterdam, 29 June 2023 - A large number of Amsterdam companies, educational and cultural institutions, residents' associations and interest groups have joined forces in the joint campaign 'For a liveable inner city, against the erotic centre'. The municipality of Amsterdam wants to establish a large erotic centre on the outskirts of the city to replace a large part of the Red Light District.
A motley collection of companies, institutions and associations that have found each other in their opposition to the establishment of an erotic centre are spread throughout the city and are active in almost all sectors of society. They all subscribe to a plea drafted for a liveable city centre and against an erotic centre. The plea is published today on the website
Large-scale poster campaign 
Two committed Amsterdammers are running the campaign unpaid, each with their own expertise and vision when it comes to the problems in the city centre and specifically the Red Light District. They do not see the municipality's current plans as the solution to the nuisance in the Red Light District and therefore oppose them.
With a large-scale poster campaign in the city, all Amsterdammers are urged to sign this plea. A QR code on the more than 6,000 posters leads to the relevant website. The website also features the logos of a growing number of companies, institutions and associations endorsing the plea.
Faces of the campaign 
The two Amsterdammers are Mariska Majoor (owner of 'Koekje uit Amsterdam', founder of the Prostitution Information Centre, author of several books on the Red Light District) and Theodoor van Boven (owner of Condomerie, board member of BIZ Warmoesstraat, active member of residents' association Blaauwlakenblok). As figureheads, they believe it is important that the voice of the city is heard. That is the case now that the plea is getting support from all corners of Amsterdam society. Van Boven: "It is extraordinary that so many very different parties support us with a common protest against the plans for an erotic centre." 

 According to the two, this campaign is about the city's DNA. "The spirit of the Red Light District has to come back," Majoor said. "If you remove erotic entertainment and window brothels from the Red Light District, you change a very large piece of the culture and history of the city centre. The city shouldn't want that. Besides, erotica is not the problem and removing it is most certainly not the solution to prevent crowding and nuisance."
Amsterdam heritage 
"The area is Amsterdam heritage. That's what makes it such a special neighbourhood where we all want to be," they say. "The municipality's plans for an erotic centre ignore the origins of nuisance in the city centre. Problems should be solved at the core and in such a way that everyone is happy. The residents of Amsterdam need to be heard and taken seriously. This campaign will hopefully lead to something good and, above all, to a better living environment in the Red Light District and a better position for sex workers. That is our commitment and that is what we want to achieve."
In the coming weeks, all Amsterdam residents will have the opportunity to sign the plea. The plan is to then present it to the mayor of Amsterdam before the summer recess.

Note to editors, not for publication
For more information, visual material and for interviews with figureheads or signatories, please contact Koolhoven & Partners: or +31(0)85-4017175.
Mariska Majoor and Theodoor van Boven paste posters for the campaign 'Plea for a liveable inner city, a manifesto against the Erotic Centre. Click on the picture to download the rights-free image in high resolution.

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